June 22, 2023

Traveling With Teens

We have traveled with our children from the time they were babies carrying all three car seats on the airplane to now having three teenagers.  There are unique advantages to traveling with kids of different ages, but for this post, I want to focus on traveling teens.  If your family is anything like ours we are busy much of the time with sports, school activities, social obligations, and much more.  How often are we all at the dinner table together? Not often enough!  I am well aware of how fast time goes by. 

Our kids have gone from diapers to driving way too fast.  Travel is something that can help us connect as a family when we need a break from the busy schedule we have at home.  Of course, there is much joy at home in doing life together but something about a family vacation just helps us to reconnect, especially if we can’t connect to wifi for a bit!  We do tailor our trips a little differently now and we involve our kids in the discussions of where to go, etc,  although sometimes we surprise them!  Our kids love to travel as much as we do so that helps.  A cruise can be a great family vacation.  Teens can have some independence on the ship but it’s nice when everyone comes to dinner in the evening and can talk about the day or the next day’s activities.  There is really something for everyone on a ship. 

We might like a smaller or quieter ship if it is just my husband and I going on a cruise but we tend to pick more family-friendly ships when all of us are traveling together.  Cruise lines like Royal Caribbean and  Disney are great for families.  All-inclusive resorts are another great option for families.  The destination choices are endless.  A ski trip or a vacation by train can be another exciting adventure for families to do together.  Do you have a graduating senior?  A great gift for your graduating senior would be to plan a trip to a destination they have always wanted to go to. 

I am aware teens can be fussy, they will want to stay connected to friends back home but for the most part, I think they enjoy making new family memories as much as we do as parents, or at least they will later on when they reflect back.

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